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Thoughts from a distant shed

2018 - New Year, new impetus

2017 was a very hectic year for me. 

Writing wise, I completed the second MG novel I’d been working on and had received some initial feedback from Ben, my agent, which I worked through and then sent to a couple of writer friends (one published and an award winner no less) for their comments.

While I waited for them to get back to me (having a huge to-be-read (TBR) pile is an occupational hazard for writers) I began work on a new idea that had been bubbling away in the back of my mind, writing a few initial chapters.  It really excited me, but I was conscious I wanted to complete the book I’d actually done a second draft of before getting side tracked on an exciting new project.

When I got some of the feedback, I started work on the amendments, but then a number of different things conspired to eat up my free time; big changes at work, major building work at home and both of my sons going to university at the same time.

By the time things had started to settle down, I’d received the second bit of feedback and started work on it - except now it was only a month to Christmas.  I did my best, but had only got part way through when life got in the way again, bringing both kids back (and a multitude of other things that I won’t go into here that did nothing to decrease my alcohol consumption or improve my editing output.)

Over Christmas, I’ve been able to sit down and get cracking and I’m pleased with the progress I’ve made, mainly thanks to the excellent quality of feedback I’ve had to work with.  Now I’m also submitting Pandora Wolfe to an open submission (wish me luck) and I hope to have the second WIP edited and sent back to my published writer friend to see if I’ve cracked the main problems before sending it back to my agent, Ben.

Once I get that sent off, I’ll then be full steam ahead with the new project (a fantasy story set here in the North East.)  I may even find time to actually update my blog more regularly. You never know!

Posted 368 weeks ago